How to integrate Voucher Connect with Flipdish
If you have a Flipdish store, you can sell vouchers on Voucher Connect and customers can use them in their Flipdish orders.
To integrate Voucher Connect with Flipdish, you’ll need to get an authorisation token from your Flipdish dashboard.
How to get your Flipdish authorisation token
Step 1. On the Flipdish dashboard, click on your logo in the top right of the screen, and select Developer tools from the drop down menu.
Step 2. Next, click on OAuth Apps, and click on the pink Add New button down in the very bottom right of your screen.
Step 3. Give the app a name, such as Voucher Connect, and click create.
Step 4. Next, click on the app you have just created, and then click on Authorization Tokens
Step 5. You can then create a token by clicking the pink button in the bottom right labeled request token.
Step 6. Flipdish will only show you your token once. We are going to add this token to our Voucher Connect dashboard. Copy it to your clipboard, close the popup and head over to your Voucher Connect dashboard.
Adding your Flipdish token to Voucher Connect
Step 7. On your Voucher Connect dashboard, click Settings, and then click on Integrations in the sidebar.
Step 8. Find the Flipdish Integration box and set it to enabled. You’ll be asked to input your authorization code. Paste in the code that you copied from Flipdish, and click Save settings. You should see a little message that says “Connection Successful”.
Step 9. In the settings below, Voucher’s are Valid For, you can control what kind of Flipdish orders your vouchers can be used on.
That’s all there is to it. Your Voucher Connect vouchers can now be used by your customers during their Flipdish checkout. All they need to do is enter the code. When a customer redeems a voucher on Flipdish, Voucher Connect will notice and record the redemption in the reporting section.