How to Create a Discount Code

Everyone loves a discount, its a great way to thank your customers and boost your voucher sales!

Discount codes give your customers a discount when they are purchasing a voucher. The customer enters the code during the checkout process, and they’ll see a reduction in the price they’re asked to pay. The amount of reduction they get is up to you.

To create one, go to Products from the main menu and click Discount Codes.

On the discounts page you’ll be able to see and manage all of your discount codes. To create a new one, click on the Create New Discount Code button. 

Discount Code

In the Discount Code box, you can enter the code you would like your customers to use at the checkout (“HAPPYDAYS” for example).

The discount code is not case sensitive, so you don’t have to worry about whether your customers are using capital letters or not when they enter the code at checkout.

Discount Amount 

There are two options here, % Discount, and Fixed Discount

Select % Discount if you would like the discount amount to be calculated based off the total value of your customer’s purchase. For example, a 20% discount code used with a voucher valued at €200 would give the customer a €40 discount.

Select Fixed discount if you’d like to give the same discount amount with the code, no matter what the value of the voucher is. For example: €5 euro off with discount code ‘THANKYOU’.

Next enter in the Discount Amount you would like to give your customers.

Usage Limit

Perhaps you’re afraid too many people will use your discount code. You can limit the amount of times a code can be used using the usage limit box. If you set usage limit to 100, only the first 100 customers to use your discount code will get a discount. After 100 purchases, the code won’t generate a discount anymore. 

If you leave usage limit set to 0 – there is no limit applied.

Usage Limit per email address

If you would like to add a per customer limit to the amount of times a discount code can be used, you can set the Usage Limit per email address box. Set this to 1, for example, and the customer will only be able to use the code once with their email

If you leave Usage Limit per email address set to 0 – there is no limit applied.


If you’d like your discount code to only apply to one product on your storefront – you can use the Product setting. Simply select the product from the list. 

If you don’t select a Product, then the discount code will be available on all of your products. 

Valid Period

You can set your discount code to become valid only for a set period of time, 2 weeks, for example. 

Simply set the start date and end date of your valid period, and the discount code will automatically deactivate when it’s outside of this valid period. 

That’s it! You can now share the exciting news of your Discount Code with your customers. Using social media to tell everyone about your Discount Code is a great addition to email marketing.

If you need a hand with anything, just let us know. We’re always happy to help 😊


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